

Surogat majčinstvo u Iranu

Šta je surogat majčinstvo?
Surogat je ugovor kojim surogat žena pristaje da zatrudni u laboratorijskom okruženju i rodi dijete za druge ljude ili parove koji su roditelji djeteta, a ženski partner nije u mogućnosti da ima normalnu trudnoću.
To je pravni akt u mnogim zemljama, dok još uvek postoje neke zemlje koje ne dozvoljavaju surogat majčinstvo.
Zašto se radi surogat majčinstvo?
• Teška malformacija materice (miom ili fibroidi materice, polipi materice)
• Neliječena infekcija u materici
• Uklanjanje materice histerektomijom
• Ponovljeni neuspjeh IVF-a
• Ponovljeni pobačaji
• Teška srčana oboljenja i druga medicinska stanja koja trudnoću čine rizičnom ili nemogućom
Vrste surogat majčinstva
Gestaciono surogat majčinstvo: žena koja je surogat ili gestacijski nosilac nije genetski povezana sa djetetom. Embrion se može stvoriti, korišćenjem vantjelesne oplodnje, od jajnih ćelija i sperme roditelja u kombinaciji sa jajnim ćelijama donatora ili spermom.
Tradicionalno ili djelimično surogat majčinstvo: Surogat je genetska majka djeteta. Sperma muškarca od para koji je u programu surogat se koristi za potpomognutu oplodnju surogata pomoću IUI.
Altruističko surogat majčinstvo: Surogat ili gestacijski nosilac ne prima više od dozvoljenih troškova i stoga nema finansijsku korist od programa surogat majčinstva.
Komercijalno surogat majčinstvo: naknada se plaća surogat ili gestacionom nosiocu, povrh dozvoljenih troškova, kao plaćanje za uslugu.
Surogatno majčinstvo u Iranu
Surogat u Iranu je dozvoljen. Surogat u Iranu može se ostvariti ako surogat ima više od 18 godina, ako može da pruži dokaz da je uzimala odgovarajuće kontraceptive i da više nije seksualno aktivna. Ako muški partner ne može da ima drugo dijete zbog neplodnosti, partner može da traži usluge druge osobe koja je voljna da bude surogat.
Iranski zakon ne dozvoljava praksu surogat materinstva u Iranu za samce, LGBTQ.
Surogat u Iranu može se održati u bolnici, klinici, bolničkom odjeljenju, kući ili bilo kom mjestu gdje pacijent živi, sve dok je pacijent na slobodi sa osobom koja je surogat.
Važno je napomenuti da je surogat majčinstvo i dalje kontroverzno u mnogim zemljama, iako je većina islamskih zemalja dozvolila njegovu praksu. Surogatno majčinstvo je dozvoljeno u Iranu. Mora se konsultovati ljekar (ginekolog) koji je kvalifikovan da uradi surogat proceduru i on ili ona moraju biti licencirani od strane iranske vlade. Doktor aspiraciju jajnih ćelija obavlja u opštoj anesteziji, ali je mora pratiti druga osoba koja je takođe licencirana.

Sporazum o surogat majčinstvu i vaše opcije u Iranu
Surogatno majčinstvo u Iranu je dozvoljeno, 100% bezbjedno,legalizovano i regulisano zakonima koji su na snazi u tim zemljama.
Možete izabrati surogat majku među iranskim ženama ili zamoliti svoju surogat majku da vas prati u Iranu.

Jedna od najvažnijih stvari koje treba znati o surogat majčinstvu u Iranu je da postoje dobri propisi koji će zaštititi surogat od bolesti ili čak smrti.

Česta pitanja?
Da li surogat majka dijeli DNK sa bebom?
– U gestacijskom surogat majčinstvu ne postoji nikakva genetska ili DNK veza između djeteta i surogat majke.
Da li će beba izgledati kao surogat majka?
Zbog nedostatka genetske veze između surogat majke i djeteta u najčešćem tipu surogat majčinstva (gestacijsko surogat majčinstvo), beba NEĆE izgledati kao surogat majka, osim ako vam nije potrebno tradicionalno surogat majčinstvo.

Surrogacy in Iran

What is surrogacy?
Surrogacy is a contract whereby a surrogate woman agrees to become pregnant in a laboratory environment and give birth to a child for other people or couples who are the parents of the child, and the female partner is unable to have a normal pregnancy.
It is a legal act in many countries, while there are still some countries that do not allow surrogacy.
Why is surrogacy done?
• Severe uterine malformation (myoma or uterine fibroids, uterine polyps)
• Untreated infection in the uterus
• Removal of the uterus by hysterectomy
• Repeated IVF failure
• Repeated abortions
• Severe heart disease and other medical conditions that make pregnancy risky or impossible
Types of surrogacy
Gestational surrogacy: a woman who is a surrogate or gestational carrier is not genetically related to the child. An embryo can be created, using in vitro fertilization, from a parent’s eggs and sperm combined with a donor’s eggs or sperm.
Traditional or partial surrogacy: The surrogate is the genetic mother of the child. The sperm of the male of the couple in the surrogate program is used for assisted insemination of the surrogate using IUI.
Altruistic Surrogacy: The surrogate or gestational carrier receives no more than the allowable expenses and therefore does not benefit financially from the surrogacy program.
Commercial surrogacy: a fee is paid to the surrogate or gestational carrier, in addition to allowable expenses, as payment for a service.
Surrogacy in Iran
Surrogate in Iran is allowed. Surrogacy in Iran can be achieved if the surrogate is over 18 years old, if she can provide proof that she has taken appropriate contraceptives and is no longer sexually active. If the male partner cannot have another child due to infertility, the partner can seek the services of another person who is willing to be a surrogate.
Iranian law does not allow the practice of surrogacy in Iran for single, LGBTQ people.
Surrogacy in Iran can take place in a hospital, clinic, hospital ward, home or any place where the patient lives, as long as the patient is free with the person who is the surrogate.
It is important to note that surrogacy is still controversial in many countries, although most Islamic countries have allowed its practice. Surrogacy is allowed in Iran. A doctor (gynecologist) who is qualified to perform the surrogate procedure must be consulted and he or she must be licensed by the Iranian government. The doctor performs the egg aspiration under general anesthesia, but must be accompanied by another person who is also licensed.

The Surrogacy Agreement and Your Options in Iran
Surrogacy in Iran is allowed, 100% safe, legalized and regulated by the laws in force in those countries.
You can choose a surrogate mother among Iranian women or ask your surrogate mother to accompany you in Iran.

One of the most important things to know about surrogacy in Iran is that there are good regulations that will protect the surrogate from illness or even death.

Frequently asked questions?
Does the surrogate mother share DNA with the baby?
– In gestational surrogacy, there is no genetic or DNA connection between the child and the surrogate mother.
Will the baby look like a surrogate mother?
Due to the lack of genetic link between surrogate mother and child in the most common type of surrogacy (gestational surrogacy), the baby will NOT look like the surrogate mother, unless you need traditional surrogacy.